love it!
awesome game dude!
love it!
awesome game dude!
um you forgot 2 planets...
nibiru and gliese 581c
Nibiru(AKA planet X the planet that the mayans described as the end of all things)
Gliese 581c(AKA super earth, it is a livable planet that is powered by a dwarf star [i dont know which one i think its the brown dwarf star])
i didnt stop for anything! this game is awesome but its easy i came close to losing once
i like the whole punk0matic thing but 1 it supposed to go to a black screen and stay like that? i dont think there somtin u gotta do with it
errr no
try the offline version at in the games menu and tell me if you still can't play it
love the game
this inspired me to animate...super mario 65! its a wicked animation that i will one day turn into a game go to youtube to check it...just started it so all thats there is the sample working on episode1...oh and i need your help with sprites...where do you get inside castle sprite koopa troopa sprite bully sprite cannon sprite bowsers fireball sprites and the spinning mario sprites i rlly need the spinning mario one plz tell me?
the controls
pretty messed up...sorry i like the killing and blood and the car i like it all but the controls are to...well sensitive theres no delay if you press right you go hard right try slacking it off a tiny bit?
i love it but
its just i stood on the edge of a block but i still got squished needs work still 10
awesome but
needs more medals and a bit more of a challene but still AWESOMMMEE
awesome love madness
lol i got all medals XD its cuz i love madness so much the blood god gave me the evil heart to complete it all...well it wasnt hard? completed normal mode and madness mode without losing a life
i beat the devil first try but wow man this is pretty cool 5/5 10/10!!! awesome man knowin me bein a huge madness fan il be playin this alot=P awesome man
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Age 35, Male
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To smart for it at this point.
Joined on 3/17/09